Municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul: an economic characterization through the Weaver Model
Quantitative techniques, Weaver Model, Functional diversification categoriesAbstract
Amid many discussions, quantitative techniques have contributed to the advancement of geographic science, without neglecting the importance of evaluating the qualities of a particular object of study. In this regard, some models were created to collaborate in the analyzes, as the Weaver Model, which aims to demonstrate which is the most representative data in a predetermined context. Faced with this, the aim of this work is to present an economic characterization for the State of Rio Grande do Sul, based on their municipalities, using the Weaver Model. In order to do so, data from the Fundação de Economia e Estatística – FEE from the year 2014 was used, relating to Agriculture, Industry and Services. Data were tabulated, analyzed and spatially related to headers of the main economic activities and the Functional Diversification Categories. To complement the analyzes, the results were compared to the data presented in the Müller Filho (1983) and Rovani et al. (2008). It was noticed that the most significant activities for Rio Grande do Sul are those of the classification "13", relating to the sum of Agriculture and Services, with 241 occurrences, being 48.5% of the total, a d that the bifunctional category was the most representative, mainly due to the influence of the classification "13", totaling 63.58%. It is concluded that the Weaver Model is quite pertinent in the intention to discriminate values, giving the importance of specific data and allowing the discard of others less relevant, besides allowing the comparison with other works that used the same model, obeying this standardization.
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