Intervention with education and health at school to prevent syphilis




Teenagers, Health education


Objective: report health education actions developed by nursing students in a public school. Methodology: it was based on the methodology of the problematization of the Arco de Maguerez, implemented through observations and informal conversations with the students, identifying the exposure and vulnerability of adolescents in contracting a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs). Syphilis was the theme chosen for the actions, due to its high prevalence. Results: it was found that the students had many doubts about the transmission, symptoms and treatment of the disease, and in some cases confused syphilis with other STIs. The students participated effectively in the activities developed. Final Considerations: the work performed allows nursing students to have a more attentive and realistic look at the society to which they are inserted, leading to an understanding of how the environment influences people’s health.


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Author Biographies

Kalene Ramos Silva, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Acadêmica de Enfermagem

Charles Victor Gomes De Souza, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Acadêmico de Enfermagem

Paulo Elias Gotardelo Audebert Delage, Universidade Federal do Pará

Psicólogo (UFJF), doutor em Teoria e Pesquisa do Comportamento

Eliseth Costa de Matos, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutora em doenças troPicais UFPA-NMT-IEC, departamento de Patologia. Profª Adjunto de microbiologia


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How to Cite

Silva, K. R., Gomes De Souza, C. V., Gotardelo Audebert Delage, P. E., & Costa de Matos, E. (2023). Intervention with education and health at school to prevent syphilis. Experiência. Revista Científica De Extensão, 9(1), 63–71.



Experience Reports