Exploring the family dynamics of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: an analysis of daily events and maternal experiences
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Family relations, Interdisciplinary placementAbstract
This article has set out to thoroughly investigate family dynamics, with a particular focus on the analysis of the central events that permeate the daily routine of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during morning, afternoon, and evening periods. To achieve this goal, a qualitative descriptive approach was employed, utilizing primary data in a cross-sectional design, categorized as a case study. Mothers of children up to the age of ten, who were receiving care at a Psychosocial Care Center in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, were interviewed in the year 2021. The results, analyzed through Thematic Content Analysis, unveiled the complex situations faced by mothers who undertake the role of caregivers for children with ASD. The interview narratives emphasized intense routines, involving therapies, dietary issues, and the inherent challenges of ASD. It is crucial to highlight the notable lack of support from public policies, aggravated by the difficulties exacerbated by the pandemic. The necessity for multidisciplinary assistance, particularly in the psychological realm, emerged as imperative, while the resilience of mothers in adapting strategies to confront adversities was acknowledged. The concluding remarks underscore the crucial importance of multidisciplinary support and robust support networks. The study emphasizes the urgency of a compassionate and holistic approach, grounded in effective public policies and accessible services, aimed at promoting the well-being of families in the challenging context of ASD.
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