Experiences for Education –What for? Training and inclusion in perspective of Critical Theory


  • Valdelúcia Alves da Costa Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro




Esperiences of Education, Training an inclusion, Critical theory.


This essay discusses possibilities of formative experiences in education and its relation to inclusion, with reference to Critical Theory, with emphasis on the thought ofAdorno (2002; 2000), as to its emancipatory dimension inprocess of training of teachers and their activities in the area of inclusive education. Adorno analyzes the purposes of education as having central question - ‘Education – What for?’, starting from the initial idea about the formative experiences, as marked by resistance actions that are contradictory and dialectically against what is standardized, imposed and regulated and crystallized in class society, under the aegis of the capital. Adorno, to consider education after Auschwitz, says that causes that led to barbarism still exist, as they have to persist in the fundamental conditions that generate this regression. Despite the non-visibility of the current woes in its entirety, social pressure keeps imposing on all individuals, with or without disabilities, and at current stage of civilization, education makes sense only if directed to critical self- reflection and combating prejudice in school and other social organizations. Thus, only effective power against principle of Auschwitz would beautonomy, power to reflection and self-determination of individuals in society in favor of social inclusion and inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Costa, V. A. da. (2013). Experiences for Education –What for? Training and inclusion in perspective of Critical Theory. Special Education Magazine, 26(46), 245–260. https://doi.org/10.5902/1984686X8029