Disabled, female and refugee: an omniletically intersectional triad
Perspectiva omnilética de inclusão, Interseccionalidade, Mulheres com deficiência, RefugiadasAbstract
Among minority groups, people with disabilities are the most numerous in the world (ONUNEWS, 2016). Among the refugee population, about 7 to 10% have disabilities (NOGUEIRA, 2019). In Brazil, the average number of women pleading for refugee status is relatively close to men: 44.75 and 55.23%, respectively (SILVA, G. J. et al, 2020). These data guarantee the deficiency the status of a strong identity marker, as well as give them high representation before other minorities, which, in themselves, would be sufficient reasons for ensuring public policies favorable to the inclusion of any people whose marker was started by disability at all educational levels, including the Superior. However, this is not how reality is shown. This situation worsens when the people with disabilities we refer to, are women and refugees. With a view to broadening the discussions about disability beyond the “disability” marker per se, we aim to discuss the interseccional theme of female refugees with disabilities, revealing and unveiling the interplay between cultures, policies and practices, dialectical and complexly present in an intersectional framework. This is an exploratory study based on the analytical reference of the Omnilética perspective of Santos (2013) and the concept of intersectionality. The questions that inspire us are: Has science dealt with these issues intersectionally? What scientific production has already been produced in this sense? Our conclusions point to the need for knowledge production in an intersectional perspective about refugee women with disabilities in order to support the development and implementation of public policies that guarantee them the right to a minimally dignified life.
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