Competences of teachers for the attention of diversity in the classroom




Competencies, Teachers, Inclusion.


The objective of this article is to analyze the training provided by the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH in Spanish) to future teachers, paying special attention to the skills with which they graduate to attend to the diversity of the students present in national schools. Diversity that does not end only in the attention of students with Special Educational Needs (NEE in Spanish), or in a situation of disability, but also includes other groups that claim to be, equally, included. From the methodological point of view, the research is framed in a qualitative-descriptive approach with a multiple-case design attending to the multiplicity of analysis units made up of the CRCHU universities that teach pedagogies. From the point of view of data collection techniques, the analysis of documents from the Internet was privileged. The documentary corpus was made up of the training itineraries and the graduation profiles declared in the respective institutional web pages. Among the main findings, the growing concern on the part of universities for Educational Inclusion (IE in Spanish) stands out. However, it tends to focus on the preparation of teachers to serve students with SEN, neglecting both other groups, including indigenous and migrants, and an intercultural perspective, as well as other issues related to gender and inclusion of dissident students that question patriarchal and heterosexist paradigms. By way of conclusion, it is established that the greatest challenge for these institutions is to broaden the notions and beneficiary groups of EI, as well as to soak up the philosophy that underlies it.


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Author Biography

Juan Cornejo-Espejo, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán

Profesor doctor de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, Chile.


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How to Cite

Cornejo-Espejo, J. (2021). Competences of teachers for the attention of diversity in the classroom. Special Education Magazine, 34, e66/1–21.



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