Psychological well-being in Mexican university students: prevention and specialized care
Psychological Wellness, Service, Mental Health, Prevention.Abstract
The psychological well-being of university students is of importance for their development as students and future professionals. If it is based on positive psychological well-being, it will have favorable results in all contexts from which it develops. The objective of this research was to analyze the psychological well-being in college students of the Normal Special Education and Preschool Degrees, it was a descriptive study and an experimental design was used, applying the Ryff Psychological Well-being scale with 6 dimensions. 151 university students of both degrees, aged 18 to 22, who were in the second, fourth, sixth and eighth semesters, participated in the research. The results indicate that in the self-acceptance dimension at a low level with 62% and 27% at a high level. Personal growth at a medium level with 45%, at a high level with 14%. It is important to develop intervention programs that promote specialized educational assistance for the psychological well-being of university students. In addition, intervention at the level of prevention for the benefit of all members of the institution is urgent and necessary. In conclusion, the medium and low levels achieved the highest score obtained in university students, if the context in which it is located in Normal Tejupilco, Mexico is taken into account with the circumstances that they face in daily life.
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