Experience report of the use of an inclusive kit for environmental education
Inclusion, Environmental Education, Reading and Conversation CircleAbstract
Due to the scarcity of materials adapted for inclusive education, many students remain segregated from their classes, unable to understand the content presented, either due to limitations or deficiencies. In the present study, the impressions of a participant observation about the application of an inclusive environmental education activity are reported. The activity consisted of a reading and conversation circle with the use of an inclusive kit adapted from the literary work “Meu Reino por um chocolate”, belonging to the Brazilian National Book and Teaching Material Program of the year 2018, which addresses the relationship between our food and global environmental changes. The adaptation of the work was carried out based on the Universal Design of Learning and the use of multimodal language, in order to offer material that can be understandable to a wide variety of students. The reading and conversation circle was applied to 8 students. Three observers, from different backgrounds, applied the activity and recorded their impressions. The students made drawings and talked while interacting with the material. It was noted, during the activity, that all students took advantage of the learning opportunity by being allowed to choose the language with which they felt more comfortable interacting with the material, which allowed their understanding and learning about the origin of the environmental changes reported in the book's story and the relationship between changes in the environment and human food.
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