Reflections on school learning: diversity and inclusion at school


  • Fabio Aléssio Alfredo Covatti FURB
  • Julianne Fischer FURB



Evaluation of learning, Inclusion at school, Qualitative research.


This article had the purpose of analyzing the concept and the means of evaluation of teachers of the seventh year of a Public primary school in Bombinhas/SC, under the theoretical view of the principles of inclusion and evaluation, in the most recent resolution of the MEC on diversity and in the contributions of Vygotsky. We opted for a qualitative research and in order to collect data we used a semistructured interview. To guide the interpretation of what was said we used content analysis. We understand that teachers tend to slightly modify their strategies and methods of education, trying to evaluate everybody in the same way, thus making difficult to reach the differences at school


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Author Biographies

Fabio Aléssio Alfredo Covatti, FURB

Professor de Língua Portuguesa, com graduação em Letras (UPF, 2000), Pós-graduação em Arte e Educação (Aupex, 2004) e Mestrando em Educação (Furb, 2010..)

Julianne Fischer, FURB

Doutorado em Engenharia de Produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil(2001)
Professor titular da Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau , Brasil



How to Cite

Covatti, F. A. A., & Fischer, J. (2012). Reflections on school learning: diversity and inclusion at school. Special Education Magazine, 25(43), 305–317.