The influence of inclusion actions in the resilience processes of Special Education students
Processo de Resiliência, Inclusão Escolar, Educação Especial, Juventude.Abstract
This study aimed to analyze how inclusion actions are articulated with processes of resilience in adolescents and youngsters of Special Education, from the perspective of the students. The theoretical reference adopted refers to the socioecological approach, whose assumptions of resilience studies are mainly based on a cultural approach. Regarding the issue of inclusion, it is understood in this work as a process that valuesdifferences. The qualitative research was carried out through a case study, which consisted of field research, more precisely in a multiple case study, which was carried out in six campuses of the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR). We sought to analyze the perception of the students considered in the process of resilience on the inclusion actions developed in the IFPR, as contributing to the inclusion process and to the good growth of the students. Twelve students considered in the process of resilience participated in this study. From the collected data, the inclusion actions cited by the students were analyzed in the light of the seven tensions of the socioecological approach, verifying through their resolutions or not, the favoring of resilience processes. From the collected data, the inclusion actions cited by the students were analyzed in the light of the seven tensions of the socioecological approach, verifying through their resolutions or not, the favoring of resilience processes. The results showed that few inclusion actions were institutionally developed, since most of the actions were carried out on the initiative of the teachers and the pedagogical team. It was concluded that through these actions, most Special Education students felt included, indicating that such actions were favoring resilience processes, acting as protective actions.Downloads
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