Chemistry teaching for deaf students: a Sistematic Review


  • Greice de Souza Vertuan Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Lara Ferreira dos Santos Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Special Education, Deafness, ChemistryTeaching


People with disabilities have been the subject of several discussions in the most varied areas, since the Laws that guarantee rights and duties to this public are recent. Thus, there search objetctive was to carry out a systematic review of online databases that allowed to identify, categorize and analyze the Works already done with deaf students at the Chemistry teaching after the creation of Law 10.436 in 2002. The search for the Works was done in database Portal de Periódicos da CAPES from the combination of seven descriptors resulting finally in 8 works pertinente to the theme. After analyzing the studies, it was observed that there are few researches in this area, requiring a greater depth of research in the area of teaching chemistry for deaf, as well as knowledge of Libras by professionals in education area


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How to Cite

de Souza Vertuan, G., & Santos, L. F. dos. (2019). Chemistry teaching for deaf students: a Sistematic Review. Special Education Magazine, 32, e44/ 1–20.

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