School inclusion and human rights education: the conceptions of teachers of a blind student
Human rights education, School inclusion, Teacher’s conception.Abstract
This article aims to present the views of teachers of a blind student on Human Rights, Education in Human Rights and inclusion of students with blindness in the context of the regular school. The research introduces itself by means of a qualitative approach under the method of an Instrumental Case Study. The empirical field was a school belonging to the municipal public network of the Mossoro, State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data construction period was equal to one semester, during which the semi-structured interviews were developed. In order to accomplish the reading and interpretation of the research data, the direct interpretation was used. It was verified that there is a gap in the initial and continuous training of the teachers interviewed, regarding the educational aspect of the debate on Human Rights, provoking the inclusion of inclusive pedagogical practices that would provide autonomy and empowerment to the blind student. Therefore, it is considered the importance of establishing a permanent dialogue between Human Rights Education and the inclusion of blind people in the public school, considering it as a space that fights in the fight against the violation of fundamental rights and that seeks the effective exercise of human dignity.Downloads
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