Teachers of Special Education: the relations with the difference concerned


  • Maria Edith Romano Siems Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFR)


Special Education, Difference, Identity.


This article discusses the form that teachers who act in the education of disables persons, the called teachers of the Special Education, they establish relations with the difference. It takes as theoretician - methodological referential the social-historical perspective, established on Bakhtin and his enunciatively theory of the language and Vygotsky with the theory of the social construction of the knowledge. Based on these authors it is orientated not only the analyses of the collected data, but also the research methodology itself, developed through collective conferences, understanding that the presence of the researcher in the field can also be constituted in reflection and proceedings redirection. Along the interviews carried out with a group of seven active teachers in the public schools of the State of Roraima, aspects of the histories of their personal, academic and professional life, constituted in these teachers professional identity, stood out in their speeches, pointing out the ways how they deal with the difference. They are teachers who assume manners that varies between the perspective of correcting the ‘defect’; understanding it as an element that has to be social and culturally incorporated and deliberating, which takes the Multiple as an enrichment element of the community.


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How to Cite

Siems, M. E. R. (2009). Teachers of Special Education: the relations with the difference concerned. Special Education Magazine, 22(34). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/educacaoespecial/article/view/272