Preliminary considerations about the teaching of swimming for autistics


  • Joaquim Francisco Lira Neto Colégio Militar de Manaus



Autism, Special Education, Swimming


This work intends to outline preliminary guidelines from which can be drawn a swimming lesson plan geared specifically for autistics. Although there are publications that have as object of study the practice of the sport in question for autistics, there are a few studies that seek to overcome the parameters of what can be considered as the traditional teaching of swimming, to meet the specific characteristics of this public. This overrun may occur through the contributions of methods already established as the Halliwick Method, known by the teaching of swimming for disabled, and the ABA Method, widely used in cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). After the analysis undertaken here, it is arguable that the methods discussed provide subsidies for a teaching of swimming that, in addition to accepting autistics, is focused on understanding and meeting their needs, as expected from an inclusive practice.


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Author Biography

Joaquim Francisco Lira Neto, Colégio Militar de Manaus

Professor do Colégio Militar de Manaus



How to Cite

Lira Neto, J. F. (2018). Preliminary considerations about the teaching of swimming for autistics. Special Education Magazine, 31(60), 167–180.