Behaviors of teachers and parents to promote family and school relationship of preschoolers included


  • Ana Carolina Camargo Christovam UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Fabiana Cia



Parental involvement, Family-School relationship, Special education.


The literature shows empirical evidence that a close relationship between parents and school can be effective for constructing appropriate teaching practices and to promote the necessary conditions for the development of the child, especially when dealing with children with special education needs. The aim of this study was to describe  how 60 teachers and 54 parents of children with SEEs enrolled in preschool established the family-school relationship, considering strategies, frequency, activities and situations taken as promoters of the relationship. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using content analysis. The data indicate that participants establish conditions for the relationship, however, parents do not show clarity of the importance of their actions, leading to low utilization of these situations, indicating need to invest in promoting the effective involvement, investing in action plans, orienting participants on what and how to do, taking full advantage of the benefits of good family-school relationship.


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina Camargo Christovam, UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Possui graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (2008).É Mestre em Educação Especial pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2011) Está cursando o doutorado em Educação Especial também pela UFSCar. Tem experiência na área de Psicologia, com ênfase em Psicologia Escolar, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: contingências de ensino, tarefa de casa, comportamento estudar, recursos tecnológicos e dificuldade de aprendizagem.



How to Cite

Christovam, A. C. C., & Cia, F. (2016). Behaviors of teachers and parents to promote family and school relationship of preschoolers included. Special Education Magazine, 1(1), 133–146.