Mapping of environmental fragility in Atlantic Forest protected areas through multicriteria analysis



Parole chiave:

AHP, Ecotourism, GIS, State park, Trail planning


The zoning of protected areas reduces the environmental impacts caused by the recreational use of such locations. Thus, this study aims to develop a predictive model of environmental fragility to support ecotourism planning. A Geographic Information System were used to produce thematic maps of the slope, soil type, precipitation, flow accumulation, and land cover, which were then overlaid to generate the environmental fragility map. The results showed that 73.6% of the Serra Negra da Mantiqueira State Park and 72.7% of the Serra Negra Private Reserve lie within the moderate fragility class, followed by the high (19.3% and 18.6%), very high (5.5% and 6.4%), and low (1.7% and 2.3%) fragility classes, respectively. The long-distance trail that follows the crest of the Serra Negra traverses the territory of the park and the private reserve, showing predominantly moderate (47.5%) to high (41.5%) fragility. The resulting cartographic product allows the definition of new trails, reducing the environmental fragility of the routes, and can be replicated in other protected areas.


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Biografie autore

Marcello Pinto de Almeida, Federal University of Viçosa

He holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), completed in 2012, and a Master's degree in Forestry Science, completed in 2015, from the same higher education institution. He has experience in the field of environment and nature conservation, with an emphasis on planning and management of protected areas, protection against forest fires, environmental education and ecotourism. As a collaborator at UFV's Nature Conservation Laboratory, he has worked as a volunteer monitor of the Conservation Units course (2012 to 2015); he coordinated editions II and III of the National Symposium on Protected Areas, in 2012 and 2014, respectively; he participated in the publication, as an organizer and reviewer, of three books: Management, Research and Conservation in Protected Areas (2012); Management and Conservation of Protected Areas (2014) and Ecology of the Atlantic Forest: ecological studies in Mata do Paraíso (2014); and held the position of field coordinator at the Mata do Paraíso Research, Training and Environmental Education Station (2013). Between 2015 and 2016, he was Public Use Coordinator at Desengano State Park (RJ). As a freelance consultant, he has participated in the drafting of various Management Plans for protected areas.

Gumercindo Souza Lima, Federal University of Viçosa

He holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (1984), a Specialization in Primatology from the University of Brasília (1987), a Master's degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1991) and a PhD in Forestry Sciences from the Federal University of Viçosa (2003). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, working in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. He is leader of the CNPq Research Group on Nature Conservation and Management of Protected Areas. He has experience in the areas of Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, with an emphasis on Nature Conservation and working in Research and Extension in the areas of Creation and Management of Protected Areas and Environmental Conservation. He has experience in Public Administration Management, having held the positions of Director of the State Forestry Institute (IEF-MG), Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), General Director of the Teaching and Extension Center, President of the Deliberative Council of the Artistic and Cultural Foundation of UFV (FACEV). He is a member of the editorial board of two scientific journals.

Sabrina Lourdes Pereira de Cristo, Federal University of Viçosa

Surveying Engineer and Cartographer from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and Master in Applied Statistics and Biometry from the Federal University of Viçosa. She worked for 4 years in the Junior Company EJEAG - Associação Júnior de Agrimensura, becoming President. From 2016/1 to 2018/2, she was a tutor for Statistics I at the Department of Statistics (DET) at UFV. She was part of the Engineering Group for Territorial Management (GENTE), with an internship in the area of Territorial Cadastre. During her master's degree, she was part of LAPEA - Laboratory for Analysis and Research in Applied Statistics.

Camila Nascimento Neves, Federal University of Viçosa

She holds a Master's degree in Forest Science from the Federal University of Viçosa, where he also completed his undergraduate degree in Forest Engineering. She has carried out research into conservation units, sustainable trails and monitoring the impact of visitation using GIS (Geographic Information Systems). She has experience using participatory methodological approaches, as well as participating in extension projects involving environmental education in formal and non-formal spaces with diverse audiences.

José Cola Zanuncio, Federal University of Viçosa

He has a degree in Forest Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (1971), a master's degree in Entomology from the University of São Paulo (1976) and a PhD in Entomology from the University of British Columbia (1981), Canada. He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa where he leads the "Integrated Management of Forest Pests" research group. He has experience in Forest Engineering, with an emphasis on Integrated Pest Management, working mainly on the following subjects: Biological Control, Asopinae, Lepidoptera, Predators, Eucalyptus. He also works in the area of Scientific Writing.

Ludimila Grechi Campostrini, Federal University of Viçosa

She has a degree in Forest Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (2018). She has experience in Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, with an emphasis on Ambience, working mainly on the following topics: Conservation, mineral nutrition, forest soils, environmental education and interpretation.

Marcos Vinícius Ribeiro de Castro Simão, Instituto Federal do Amazonas

Graduado em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Viçosa (2014). Mestre em Ciências de Florestas Tropicais no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (2017). Atualmente, é Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas no campus de Tefé. Atua nas áreas de Dendrologia; Educação Ambiental; Trilhas Interpretativas e manejo de trilhas em Áreas Naturais Protegidas e divulgação científica sobre árvores e florestas.

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Come citare

Almeida, M. P. de, Lima, G. S., Cristo, S. L. P. de, Neves, C. N., Zanuncio, J. C., Campostrini, L. G., & Simão, M. V. R. de C. (2025). Mapping of environmental fragility in Atlantic Forest protected areas through multicriteria analysis. Ciência Florestal, 35, e86483.




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