Effect of cover on the development and production of secondary compounds of <i>Maytenus ilicifolia</i> and <i>Ilex paraguariensis</i> in agroforestry systems
https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509832280Parole chiave:
Yerba mate, Espinheira-santa, Photosynthetically active radiation, Ultraviolet radiationAbstract
The Midwest regions of Santa Catarina state, in Brazil, include a great diversity of forest essences with medicinal application; however, many of these resources are poorly exploited or managed in an extractive manner. This research aimed to assess the effects of canopy cover in agroforestry systems on development and production of secondary composites of espinheira-santa (Maytenus ilicifolia) and yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis). Two experimental areas were planted following the same spacing and arrangement for the plants. Experimental blocks were set up by pruning the pioneer plants, with three variable levels of canopy cover (0-20 %, 20-40 % and 40-60 %). Plants of espinheira-santa and yerba mate were monitored for development and their marketable vegetative parts were harvested, processed and aqueous extracts were prepared for the analysis of presence of secondary compounds. The yerba mate showed the highest production of marketable biomass under high cover. By contrast, the biosynthesis of the secondary compound, theobromine, was greater in the lowest cover, while chlorogenic acid and caffeine were higher in the cover (40-60 %). Espinheira-santa showed no difference in either development or yield among the assessment treatments and, the production of phenols was lower in the cover above 40 %.
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