
  • Elisabete Vuaden UFSM
  • Frederico Dimas Fleig
  • Gerson Luiz Selle
  • Mayara Dalla Lana
  • Gustavo Fernandes da Silva
  • Jonas Flores Vargas



equation, sprouts, Ilex paraguariensis.


This study aimed at developing some models that allow estimating the biomass of commercial green shoots of Ilex paraguariensis after pruning, at 10 years-old. In September 2007, 40 Ilex paraguariensis were pruned. One year after the first pruning, in 2008, they were evaluated dendrometrically and their biomass was determined from the commercial harvest of 16 individuals. To the others, the commercial biomass was estimated by the sum of the biomass of shoots.  The result obtained is that the biomass of commercial sprouts can be estimated as a function of the length of the rolls sprouting, with specific models for sprouts short, simple and compound average sprouts and long sprouts compounds. The models used to estimate the biomass of commercial sprouts using the length sum rolls and rolls of the length as independent variables underestimate the values of biomass with a margin of error of only 2.6%.


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How to Cite

Vuaden, E., Fleig, F. D., Selle, G. L., Lana, M. D., Silva, G. F. da, & Vargas, J. F. (2009). ESTIMATION OF BIOMASS COMMERCIAL SPROUTS OF Ilex paraguariensis A.ST.-HIL. Ciência Florestal, 19(3), 279–291.




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