
  • Helio Tonini UFSM
  • Moisés Mourão Cordeiro de Oliveira Junior
  • Dalton Schwengber



reforestation, growth curve, Chapman-Richards function.


An important forest research challenge in the Amazonian is finding forms of reforesting degraded areas with the use of a larger number of native species and identify tropical species commercially attractive adapted to clear-cut areas. This work had as objectives to evaluate the initial growth in diameter and height of six native Amazonian species in a preliminary species trial. The data were obtained from measures of 72 trees 9 years after planting. The selected species for this study were cupiúba (Goupia glabra), cumaru (Dipterix odorata), andiroba (Carapa guianensis), brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), pará-pará (Jacaranda copaia) and tatajuba (Bagassa guianensis). The cumulative growth curves for diameter and height was obtained by the Chapman – Richards function. In spite of the low age of the stands, it was obtained good fit to the function for the studied species. Pará-pará (Jacaranda copaia), presented best diameter and height growth in all the ages. The diameter mean annual increment analysis showed that, except for the cupiúba (Goupia glabra),  can be expected  increments larger than  2 cm, by appropiate spacings and thinning.


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How to Cite

Tonini, H., Oliveira Junior, M. M. C. de, & Schwengber, D. (2008). GROWTH OF AMAZON NATIVE SPECIES SUBMITTED TO THE PLANTATION IN THE RORAIMA STATE. Ciência Florestal, 18(2), 151–158.




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