Specialization and location of the gross value production of native wood products in Paraíba’s microrregions (1994 – 2017)
Regional economics, Forest biomass, Plant extractivismAbstract
This article analyzed the pattern of the Gross Value Production (VBP) specialization and location of native wood products in Paraíba’s microregions, from 1994 to 2017. The data collection was carried out from the available information of the Production of Plant Extraction and Silviculture (PEVS) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The indicators used were the locational quotient (QL), the locational coefficient (CL), the redistribution coefficient (CRED), the geographic association coefficient (Cag), the specialization coefficient (CE) and the restructuring coefficient (Cr). The results showed that firewood was the main wood product extracted in Paraíba’s microregions; only the microregion of Serra de Teixeira presented relevance in the extraction of wood in log; wood was the logging product that presented the greatest redistribution; in the final years of the analysis, the micro-regions of Litoal Norteand Cariri Ocidental were the most specialized, with emphasis on the extraction of firewood and the microregions of the Litoral Norte, Cariri Ocidental, João Pessoa and Litoral Sul were the ones that presented the greatest change in the extraction pattern of the products in relation to 1994. From this study, it is possible to guide public policies that promote renewable plant extraction to supply the energy demand and enable the development of regions.Downloads
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