
  • Braulio Otomar Caron UFSM
  • Velci Queiróz de Souza
  • Edison Bisognin Cantarelli
  • Paulo Augusto Manfron
  • Alexandre Behling
  • Elder Eloy



Schizolobium parahyba, luminosity.


The study of the growth and development of a plant under different environmental conditions offers the researcher a good clue as to which are the best conditions to grow a particular species. The main objective was to evaluate the initial growth, for up to 80 days, for of Schizolobium parahyba (guapuruvu) seedlings submitted to the shading levels: 0% (full sunshine), 30%, 50% and 70% shading. The results demonstrate that the shading interfered positively in the growth in height of the seedlings, even at the greatest levels, and did not cause damage to the plants, which was proven by the lack of differences in the variables: dry matter, lap diameter and number of pairs of leaves. The production of quality seedlings is favorable up to the 45th day of submission to shading, after which seedlings should be transplanted.


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How to Cite

Caron, B. O., Souza, V. Q. de, Cantarelli, E. B., Manfron, P. A., Behling, A., & Eloy, E. (2010). GROWTH OF PLANTS OF Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake. SUBMITTED TO SHADING LEVELS. Ciência Florestal, 20(4), 683–689.



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