
  • Rodinei Facco Pegoraro
  • Ivo Ribeiro da Silva
  • Roberto Ferreira de Novais
  • Nairam Felix de Barros
  • Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti
  • Sebastião Fonseca



acid hydrolysis, organic nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen, litter.


The nutrients nitrogen and one of the most demanded by plant species, and its presence in soil under organic or mineral forms available to plants is linked to quality and quatity of plant residues added to the soil. The study aimed to evaluate the influence of cultivation of eucalyptus and acacia in the composition of organic and inorganic N forms and the natural abundance of 15N in an Ultisol. For this, we collected soil and litter samples in continuous short-rotation eucalypt (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis hybrid) (seven years) compared to a rotation system including acacia (Acacia mangium Willd.) after short-rotation eucalypt; and long-rotation eucalypt (24 years). A native vegetation (Atlantic Forest) was used as a reference for the original site condition representative for the northern coast of  Espírito Santo state. To do so, we evaluated the content of total organic C, total N, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, C/N ratio, fractionation of organic N and 15N natural abundance in soil and litter. Among the forms of organic-N hydrolyzed, the N-amino was the fraction with the highest contribution of organic N (39%), followed by the fraction of N-unidentified (27%), the fraction of N-amide (18%) and N-hexosamine (15%). The acacia plantation presented smaller natural abundance of 15N and higher levels of total N and soil organic C, and increased organic forms of N-hydrolyzed, when compared to the eucalyptus short-rotation soil. This indicates the increase of labile N-organic forms in the soil for the plants and reduction of humification of soil organic matter (SOM) of acacia. Thus, the crops rotation with acacia after eucalyptus contributed to the increase of organic forms in the soil, important for the nutrition of plants, because they are potential sources of nutrients to the plants in a short-time period.

The nutrients nitrogen and one of the most demanded by plant species, and its presence in soil under organic or mineral forms available to plants is linked to quality and quatity of plant residues added to the soil. The study aimed to evaluate the influence of cultivation of eucalyptus and acacia in the composition of organic and inorganic N forms and the natural abundance of 15N in an Ultisol. For this, we collected soil and litter samples in continuous short-rotation eucalypt (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis hybrid) (seven years) compared to a rotation system including acacia (Acacia mangium Willd.) after short-rotation eucalypt; and long-rotation eucalypt (24 years). A native vegetation (Atlantic Forest) was used as a reference for the original site condition representative for the northern coast of  Espírito Santo state. To do so, we evaluated the content of total organic C, total N, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, C/N ratio, fractionation of organic N and 15N natural abundance in soil and litter. Among the forms of organic-N hydrolyzed, the N-amino was the fraction with the highest contribution of organic N (39%), followed by the fraction of N-unidentified (27%), the fraction of N-amide (18%) and N-hexosamine (15%). The acacia plantation presented smaller natural abundance of 15N and higher levels of total N and soil organic C, and increased organic forms of N-hydrolyzed, when compared to the eucalyptus short-rotation soil. This indicates the increase of labile N-organic forms in the soil for the plants and reduction of humification of soil organic matter (SOM) of acacia. Thus, the crops rotation with acacia after eucalyptus contributed to the increase of organic forms in the soil, important for the nutrition of plants, because they are potential sources of nutrients to the plants in a short-time period.


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How to Cite

Pegoraro, R. F., Silva, I. R. da, Novais, R. F. de, Barros, N. F. de, Cantarutti, R. B., & Fonseca, S. (2016). THE 15N NATURAL ABUNDANCE AND NITROGEN FORMS IN ULTISOL CULTIVATED WITH EUCALYPTUS AND ACACIA. Ciência Florestal, 26(1), 295–305.



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