
  • Denise Ester Ceconi UFSM
  • Igor Poletto
  • Thomé Lovato
  • Marlove Fátima Brião Muniz



Seedlings growth, phosphorus, Ilex paraguariensis.


Experiments were installed in the Forestry Technological Center belonging to Forest Science/CCR/UFSM Department in order to study the nutritional exigency of Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil. seedlings to fertilization of phosphorus doses. Vases with capacity of 2 dm3 were filled out with Red Yellow Argisol soil collected from a superficial layer (0-20 cm), which was homogenized, dried in the air, past in sieve of 5 mm and analyzed  chemically. As additional fertilization, 64 mg kg-1 of N and 38 mg kg-1 K were added the sources were CH4N2O and KCl. The experimental design used was completely randomized with 8 treatments and 6 repetitions, distributed in the following way: T1-control (sole without P addition), T2-90 mg kg-1, T3-180 mg kg-1, T4-270 mg kg-1, T5-360 mg kg-1, T6-450 mg kg-1, T7-540 mg kg-1 and T8-630 mg kg-1 of P, respectively. After 10 months, the following parameters were evaluated: the height of the aerial part, stem diameter, biomass above ground, root biomass and total biomass. The best development of the erva-mate seedlings were observed in the doses from 360 and 450 mg P kg-1


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How to Cite

Ceconi, D. E., Poletto, I., Lovato, T., & Muniz, M. F. B. (2007). NUTRITIONAL EXIGENCY OF ERVA-MATE (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) SEEDLINGS TO THE PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZATION. Ciência Florestal, 17(1), 25–32.




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