bioengineering, slope protection, erosion control.Abstract
Even with planning and careful use of natural resources, and specially in the case of water courses, some areas are negatively modified, due to losing of margin or hillside stability, leading to erosions and slides. On this way, revegetation and stabilization techniques are imposing tasks to these areas. Some non expensive and easy biological techniques are already known, resting to investigate the applicability of adequate materials to each area, as well as biotechnical value of local native species. This works deals with investigating, on field situation, the rooting stick capability of two different species, that are common on water courses edges of the studied region: ‘sarandi-branco’ (Phyllanthus sellowianus Müll. Arg.) and ‘vime’ (Salix viminalis L.). The experiment was developed on eroded margin of ‘Guarda-mor’ stream, in central area of ‘Rio Grande do Sul’ State, Brazil. The sticks used were from different parts of branches (base, half and tip). Sixty day after planting, the rooting was evaluated, being found a good revegetation capability of both species. On ‘sarandi-branco’ sticks, the rooting reached 78%, being significantly higher than on ‘vime’ sticks (69%). To both species, the rooting rose up with the proximity of water level and with increasing diameter of sticks (base > half > tip).
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