
  • Diogo Belmonte Lippert
  • Ana Caroline Paim Benedetti
  • Marlove Fatima Brião Muniz
  • Rudiney Soares Pereira
  • Carlos Alberto Biernaski Junior
  • Elder Finkenauer
  • Elias Fernando Berra




epidemiology, severity level, spectroradiometry, leaf reflectance.



The study aims to analyze the spectral behavior of leaves of Eucalyptus globulus attacked in four different severity levels by Mycosphaerella spp. in different positions in the canopy of the tree in the four seasons, considering two regions of the electromagnetic spectrum: visible and near infrared. The plant material was collected in all seasons, in different positions in the tree (base, middle and top of the canopy extract). In the laboratory, leaves were classified into four levels of severity (healthy, little, medium and heavy fire) and then made measurements of spectral reflectance measured with a spectroradiometer. The spectral behavior of Eucalyptus globules leaves is characteristic according to the severity degree of the disease, differing primarily in the other high levels of infection by Mycosphaerella spp. and differ mainly of healthy leaves and leaves which are little attacked, in both regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, this behavior occurs for different treetop positions and climate seasons, varying the amount of reflected energy. It is concluded that the reflectance of the Eucalyptus globules leaves attacked by Mycosphaerella spp. differs according to the position in the tree crown and the weather station when they were collected and to the advanced levels of disease severity.


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How to Cite

Lippert, D. B., Benedetti, A. C. P., Muniz, M. F. B., Pereira, R. S., Biernaski Junior, C. A., Finkenauer, E., & Berra, E. F. (2015). SPECTRAL BEHAVIOR OF <i>Eucalyptus globulus</i> (Labill.) LEAVES ATTACKED BY <i>Mycosphaerella</i> spp. in REGIONS OF VISIBLE AND INFRARED NEAR THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Ciência Florestal, 25(1), 211–219. https://doi.org/10.5902/1980509817479



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