
  • Sebastião Venâncio Martins UFSM
  • Guido Assunção Ribeiro
  • Wilson Marcelo da Silva Junior
  • Mauro Eloi Nappo



Regeneration, fire ecology, forest degradation, tropical forest.


The colonizer vegetation was studied six months after fire disturbance in an area of the Campus of the Universidade  Federal de Viçosa (20o 45 ' S, 42o 51 ' W), MG. The total burned area of the secondary forest was of 12 ha presenting differentiated levels of vegetation destruction. The study was concentrated in the space where the effect from fire was more drastic, and a total destruction of the vegetative cover occurred. Within the study area, two relief toposequences were compared: concave (ravine) and convex (ridge). In each toposequence, 18 contiguous plots (5 x 5 m) were installed, totalizing 36 plots, where all vascular plants were identified. A total of 75 species pertaining to 26 families were sampled. In relation to the species, the  richest  ones  were:  Asteraceae  (14),  Poaceae  (10),  Malvaceae (7)  and Fabaceae (6). In the  toposequence ridge,  the  species  showing  higher soil  covering values were Sida carpinifolia followed by Melinis minutiflora, Diodia alata and Eupatorium laevigatum, while in ravine they were Melinis minutiflora, Eupatorium laevigatum, Sida carpinifolia and Sidastrum paniculatum. All plots presented more than 90% of the area covered by herbaceous and subshrubby vegetation, so emphasizing the importance of this initial vegetation in protecting the soil against erosion processes on uneven reliefs.


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How to Cite

Martins, S. V., Ribeiro, G. A., Silva Junior, W. M. da, & Nappo, M. E. (2002). POST-FIRE REGENERATION IN A SEMIDECIDUOUS MESOPHYTIC FOREST FRAGMENT IN THE COUNTY OF VIÇOSA, MG. Ciência Florestal, 12(1), 11–19.




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