Anacardiaceae, survival analysis, white pepper treeAbstract
The large diversity of Anacardiaceae diaspores morphology has a notable repercussion in the processes of germination and emergence besides generating a differentiated behavior among the species. In this family, there are some species that present physical dormancy, some others present mechanical dormancy, others present no dormancy at all and some of them have no information detailed in the available literature. Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Eng. is one of the species which little is known regarding to dormancy. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the germination and the emergence processes of seedlings from diaspores of this species collected in Araguari river valley, in the state of Minas Gerais, as well as to quantify the variability of dormancy intensity present among different individuals of the population. The diaspores were collected in October and November of 2004 and 2005, from six matrixes. Two experiments were set up. The germination experiment was conducted under controlled conditions and the emergence experiment was conducted in a semi-open greenhouse. Data was collected every 24 hours, up serving the protrusion of the embryo in the experiment setup in the laboratory, and the emergence of the hypocotyl of the seedling above the substrate in the experiment kept in the greenhouse. In both experiments, the diaspores originated from plant number two were more notable to some extent, having superior physiological quality compared to the others (average time between 4 and 22 days; average speeds between 0.042 and 0.0217 days-1; uncertainty between 1.62 and 3.5 bits and synchrony between 0.04 and 0.381). The high uncertainty values and the low synchrony values indicate that the germination and emergence processes of the Lithraea molleoides seedlings are spread in time, which allows us to characterize them as bearers of relative dormancy, although its intensity is variable among individuals of the same population. Low probabilities, however not null, to germinate or emerge even after 150 and 60 days after sowing, respectively, showing the temporal survival capacity of the diaspores of the species and reinforce the presence of relative dormancy.
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