Fenômeno de Intermitência Global na Camada limite Noturna: Estudo de Caso Acima da Floreta de Caxiuanã, PA


  • Daniele S. Nogueira
  • Leonardo D. A. Sá




An investigation about the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL)vertical structure above Caxiuanã Forest is carried out using the availabledata on November, 10th, 2006, during COBRA-PARA Experiment. It isshown that during this day, a synergistic interaction of two typicalphenomena of the nocturnal atmosphere at Caxiuanã occurs: low leveljets (LLJ) and strong wind gusts. It is observed that the LLJ top-downmixing effect in the NBL sometimes reaches the surface, which occurssuccessively at characteristic time intervals, generating globalintermittency.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, D. S., & Sá, L. D. A. (2009). Fenômeno de Intermitência Global na Camada limite Noturna: Estudo de Caso Acima da Floreta de Caxiuanã, PA. Ciência E Natura, 173–176. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9545