Ondeleta de Morlet Aplicada à Análise de Correlações por Escala entre Grandezas Escalares Medidas acima de uma Lavoura de Arroz


  • Cintya A. Martins
  • Leonardo D. A. Sá
  • Osvaldo L. L. Moraes
  • Rodrigo da Silva


An analysis has been performed to investigate the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) validity in the atmospheric surfacelayer (ASL) above a rice field in a homogeneous area in Paraíso do Sul,RS. Statistical calculations have been applied to turbulent fluctuationsprojected on scales by means of the Wavelet Transform (WT). It hasbeen determined on which scales, physical factors such as surfaceroughness or local circulations occurrence, affect meteorological scalarfields (temperature, humidity and CO2 concentrations) measured withfast response devices installed in a tower, under different atmosphericstability and soil use conditions.




How to Cite

Martins, C. A., Sá, L. D. A., Moraes, O. L. L., & da Silva, R. (2009). Ondeleta de Morlet Aplicada à Análise de Correlações por Escala entre Grandezas Escalares Medidas acima de uma Lavoura de Arroz. Ciência E Natura, 65–68. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura/article/view/9518

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