Parâmetros Hidrodinâmicos dos Recursos Hídricos Subterrâneos do Município de São João do Polêsine, RS


  • Mercia Maria Vogel Acadêmica do PPG em Geografia, Mestrado em Geografia, CCNE/UFSM
  • José Luiz Silvério da Silva Orientador, Prof. Dr./Departamento de Geociências, CCNE
  • Vanderlei Salles Acadêmico do PPG em Geociências, Especialista em Geociências, CCNE/UFSM



Beyond 97% of the total available fresh water at Earth is presentedat the groundwater. This proves the importance of those reservoirs for thehumanity, especially when the surface hydric resources were crescentpollution and gradual exhaustion. Like this, it is done necessary therationality use of them, avoiding its contamination. The aim of this workwas investigate some hydrodynamic parameters of the groundwater atmunicipal district of São João do Polêsine, located in the Central Area ofthe Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. The studied area presented86 km². The field work was made using Global Position System and themaps using Geographical Information System (GIS). Were used coordinatesin the Universal Transverse of Mercator. Were used horizontal datum SAD69 and vertical datum Imbituba Harbor. The data were obtained in theregister at web about the Groundwater Information System beyond toCompanhia de Pesquisas e Recursos Minerais, public organs and toocomplemented by field work. A database was built using well’s data. Wereevaluated hydrodynamic parameters like depth of the wells, static level andpotenciometric surface. Of the 16 groundwater wells studied, 7 were ofprivate and 9 were public. They presented depths from 60 to 220 m. Therange of static level was between 0 to 50 m. The deeper static level observedindicates minor groundwater susceptible to the contamination from thesurface land. The potenciometric surface was between 45 to 175 m,indicating the existence of one gradient bigger than 100 m and influencingthe direction of the groundwater flow to northeast. In function of theimportance as strategic reservation, is pointed out that will be indispensablethe adoption of some sustainable instruments. This work presented onecontribution to groundwater uses and to preserve natural quality for thecurrent and future generations.




How to Cite

Vogel, M. M., da Silva, J. L. S., & Salles, V. (2007). Parâmetros Hidrodinâmicos dos Recursos Hídricos Subterrâneos do Município de São João do Polêsine, RS. Ciência E Natura, 29(2), 145–156.

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