Avaliação da Qualidade da Água Subterrânea em Poço no Campus da UFSM, Santa Maria - RS*


  • Fabiano André André Marion Geógrafo, Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geomática/UFSM
  • Viviane Capoane Acadêmica Geografia - bacharelado/UFSM
  • José Luiz Silvério da Silva Geólogo Dr., Professor do Depto. Geociências/CCNE/UFSM




The article results of a research of scientific initiation whichobjective is to monitorate the punctual quality of the groundwater in theCampus of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS, through theevaluation of physiochemical parameters, analyzed in 37 samples collectedweekly in the "well top" PB 20, one of the 20 wells that at that time were in activity for the provisioning of the Campus. Although the results havesuffered oscillations, they are inside of the hidro-sanitary conditions andof the limits and norms demanded for the human consumption in agreementwith the Entrance 518/2005 of Brazilian Health Ministery.


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How to Cite

Marion, F. A. A., Capoane, V., & da Silva, J. L. S. (2007). Avaliação da Qualidade da Água Subterrânea em Poço no Campus da UFSM, Santa Maria - RS*. Ciência E Natura, 29(1), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9761