Banco de Imagens: Uma Proposta de Educação Ambiental


  • Eliane Ferreira dos Santos Esp. Geociências, Bacharel em Geografia, Acadêmica do Curso de Geografia- Licenciatura, Dpto Geociências/CCNE/UFSM
  • José Luiz Silvério da Silva Professor Adjunto do Dpto Geociências/CCNE/UFSM



The work was accomplished in the municipal city of Quarai and ithad as objective publishes for the local population information of thegroundwaters of the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS), by the elaboration ofpedagogic materials. This way the community front could be positioned tothe subjects and the environmental problems, besides the valorization ofthe natural atmosphere, aiding in the process of preservation of the Eastand of the quality of the groundwater for multiple uses. It was looked foras material of support recent researches, on GAS, developed in the Municipalcity. As results were elaborated folders and constituted explanatorypamphlets of maps, basic concepts of hydrogeology, space location of thepossible points of contamination and including suggestions of rational useof the groundwaters. The CD-ROM contains images obtained with digitalcamera, that they illustrate the situation of the wells of the municipal cityof Quarai. These pedagogic materials would serve as subsidies to be usedas bibliographyc material research source for all the interested parties, bethem environmentalists, well's proprietors, students, school teachers andthe general community. Like this, the Environmental Education becomesan important middle of construction and understanding, reformulation andof actions on the part of the society in relation to GAS exploration.




How to Cite

dos Santos, E. F., & da Silva, J. L. S. (2007). Banco de Imagens: Uma Proposta de Educação Ambiental. Ciência E Natura, 29(1), 79–95.