The influence of the zonal variation of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence in the harvest of the mullet in the state of Santa Catarina between 2006 and 2016
Fishing, Mullet, Sea Surface TemperatureAbstract
The Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (CBM) comprises the region located in the southwestern portion of the Atlantic Ocean, with a strong influence on meteorological aspects and oceanographic phenomena, including sea surface temperature (SST). Variations in SST, influence the dynamics and behavior of aquatic species and consequently the fishing productivity of mullet (Mugil liza), a species of great economic importance in the state of Santa Catarina. The present study deals with the analysis of the influence of the CBM zonal variation on the sea surface temperature (SST) in southern Brazil, making a comparison with the data of the fish harvest in the Santa Catarina coast, considering a period of 11 years (2006 to 2016) and in the months of fishing (April to July). From the data analysis it is possible to identify the characteristic behavior of the period and to analyze the influencing factors.
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