Mapping of potential areas for landfill installation in the Metropolitan Region of Belém
Solid waste, Social and environmental impacts, Geographic Information SystemAbstract
The production of solid waste in Brazil has increased considerably, with the creation of a great number of dumps. Several socio-environmental impacts results from this inadequate disposal. The present work had the objective to evaluate, based on environmental, economic and social criteria, possible favorable areas for the installation of a sanitary landfill in the Metropolitan Region of Belém (MRB), state of Pará. To this end, data were processed using a Geographic Information System (GIS). A map with potential areas for landfill installation in the MRB was created, based on the criteria and weights assigned to each variable through map algebra methods. The results showed four areas in the municipality of Santa Bárbara and Santa Izabel as favorable for installation of the project, with characteristics that meet the criteria established in legislation (NBR 13896/1997).
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