Pattern of gall distribution on Protium heptaphyllum leaves in a restinga of Espirito Santo State


  • Rodolfo Antônio de Figueiredo Departamento de Botânica, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP.



Many insects produce abnormal growths on plant leaf surfaces. This study investigates the differential distribution of gall on Protium heptaphyllum in a restinga of southeastern Brazil. The number of galls per leaf was counted on fourteen individuals and it was found statiscal differences in gall distributions among and within individuals. The results suggest that the distribution of galls may be due to differential susceptibility of P. heptaphyllum to galling insects, which is consistent with the plant genetic mosaic hvpothesis.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, R. A. de. (1994). Pattern of gall distribution on Protium heptaphyllum leaves in a restinga of Espirito Santo State. Ciência E Natura, 16(16), 51–56.