Visitation of Buddleja brasiliensis (Buddlejaceae) by bees and hummingbirds in an upland hygrophilous forest of São Paulo State
The pollination of Buddleja brasiliensis in the Atlantic rainforest is carried out by small hummingbirds. This study intended to verify if these birds are also the main visitors at this plant species in an upland forest of São Paulo State. Observations on floral visitors were done at the Reserva de Santa Genebra, Campinas, between 6:00am and 6:00pm (24 hours total). The hummingbirds Chlorostilbon aureoventris and Thalurania glaucopis visited the inflorescences, but the most frequent visitants were Apidae and Anthophoridae bees. These results indicate that the flowers of B. brasiliensis, although being visited by small hummingbirds, are utilized mainly by bees in hygrophilous forests.Downloads
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