Identificação de Clones de Batata com Potencial para Mesa e Adaptados para os Cultivos de Outono e Primavera do Rio Grande do Sul


  • Liege Camargo da Costa PPG em Agronomia, Departamento de Fitotecnia/CCR
  • Dilson Antônio Bisognin Departamento de Fitotecnia/CCR/UFSM
  • Jerônimo Luis Andriolo Departamento de Fitotecnia/CCR/UFSM
  • Carlos Evandro Leite Ritter Curso de Agronomia, Departamento de Fitotecnia/CCR
  • Mauricio Guerra Bandinelli Curso de Agronomia, Departamento de Fitotecnia/CCR



Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important horticultural cropin the Rio Grande do Sul state, they are cultivated in two growing seasons,but with low yield. The tablestock is the predominant market and newcultivars should have high yield potential and good appearance to beaccepted by growers. Clonal evaluation determines its potential either asprogenitors in the breeding program or as new cultivars. The objective wasto identify potato clones with high yield, good tuber appearance andtablestock potential and adapted to two growing seasons. The clonesSMINIA90244-1, SMINIAIporã, SMINIA95043-11, SMINIA93057-1,Dakota Rose, SMIE040-6RY, SMIF165-6RY and the check cultivar Macacawere evaluated during autumn and spring of 2003 and autumn of 2004. Theexperiment was carried out in a randomized block design with fourreplications. In the average of three growing seasons, the clonesSMINIA90244-1, SMINIAIporã and the cultivar Macaca had the highesttotal yield, which is highly desirable for new cultivars. All evaluated cloneshad acceptable tuber appearance. The clone SMINIA90244-1 shared highyield and tuber number per hill and good tuber appearance. In the averageof three growing seasons, SMINIA90244-1 had tuber yield 19% higherthan the check cultivar Macaca, which should be an option as new cultivarto attend the tablestock market of Rio Grande do Sul.




How to Cite

da Costa, L. C., Bisognin, D. A., Andriolo, J. L., Ritter, C. E. L., & Bandinelli, M. G. (2007). Identificação de Clones de Batata com Potencial para Mesa e Adaptados para os Cultivos de Outono e Primavera do Rio Grande do Sul. Ciência E Natura, 29(2), 93–104.

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