Selection of Cordia trichotoma Vell. clones for adventitious rooting and determination of the plantlet quality produced by mini-cuttings




Forest Improvement, Genetic gain, Mini-cuttings, REML/BLUP, Vegetative propagation.


This study aimed to evaluate and define strategies for the selection of C. trichotoma clones with competence for adventitious rooting and production of high-quality plantlets by mini-cuttings. For adventitious rooting, mini-cuttings were treated with 3,000 mg L-1 of indole butyric acid and grown in 110 cm³ tubes, consisting of equal proportions of the commercial substrate and vermiculite. The percentage of rooting, number of roots, and mini-cuttings rooted per mini-stump were evaluated after 30 days of cultivation in a humid chamber. The rooted mini-cuttings were transferred to a shade house and the survival percentage, stem diameter, height, and number of leaves were evaluated at 120 days. Data were analyzed using the restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction (REML/BLUP) method and Pearson´s correlation analysis. The number of rooted mini-cuttings and stem diameter presented the highest repeatability and accuracy values for rooting and plantlet growth, respectively. These traits also presented significant positive correlation estimations with others, indicating the possibility of indirect selection gain. Cordia trichotoma clones can be selected for vegetative propagation, considering the number of rooted mini-cuttings and the stem diameter of the plantlets produced by mini-cutting. Early selection for adventitious rooting and plantlet quality can aid in genetic improvement programs for the development of new cultivars for vegetative propagation via the use of mini-cuttings.


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Author Biographies

Renata Smith Avinio, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Bachelor of Law graduated from Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria (2017) Forest Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2019). Master of the Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering at UFSM.

Angélica Costa Malheiros, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Master’s student in Genetics and Plant Breeding and MBA student in Data Science and Analytics at the University of São Paulo - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (USP/ESALQ). Forestry Engineer and Geoprocessing Technician graduated from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Ranked 1st in the Genius Challenge organized by the company GDM Seeds. Selected among the 20 newly graduated Forest Engineers in Brazil to participate in the 2021 Forest Manager Preparation Program of the Institute for Forest Research and Studies (IPEF). Ranked 2nd in the 2020 Forestry Talent held by the company Malinovski. She has professional experience as a Geoprocessing intern at the company Drakkar and a Forest Genetic Improvement intern at the company CMPC Brasil. Undertook an academic exchange within the scope of the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP), in Biological Sciences at Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke - QC in Canada.

Denise Gazzana, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Forestry Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen campus - RS (2012). He holds a master’s degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2019). She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering at UFSM, developing research aimed at genetic improvement and vegetative propagation of forest species native to Brazil. He has experience in Forestry, especially in the following topics: vegetative propagation, seedling production and genetic improvement of plants. The main scientific and technological research activities under development are in genetics and improvement of Yerba Mate. Integrates the Plant Improvement and Vegetative Propagation Center (MPVP/UFSM).

Kelen Haygert Lencina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

He has a degree in Forestry Engineering (2010), a master's degree (2013) and a doctorate (2016) in Forestry Engineering in the area of ​​Forestry from the Federal University of Santa Maria. In 2019 he completed his Post-Doctorate in Plant Breeding at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He has experience in Forestry, especially in the following topics: vegetative propagation, plant biotechnology and forestry improvement. She is currently a professor at the Department of Agriculture, Biodiversity and Forests at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and works in the Postgraduate Program in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems (PPGEAN) at UFSC.

Thaíse da Silva Tonetto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Forest Engineer, Economist and Graduate from the Teacher Training Program for Professional and Technological Education, Master's and Doctorate in Forestry Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Research focused on Forestry, with an emphasis on the production of seeds and forest seedlings, environmental education, improvement and vegetative propagation of plants.

Dilson Antônio Bisognin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

He holds a degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1988), a master's degree in Phytobreeding from the Federal University of Pelotas (1991) and a PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Michigan State University (2001). Post-doctorate in Plant Molecular Science from Michigan State University (2014). Full Professor of the Department of Phytotechnics at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), responsible for the disciplines of Plant Improvement and Seedling Production, offered for the Agronomy Course, and the disciplines of Plant Genetic Variability and Plant Improvement for Vegetative Propagation, offered for Postgraduate Programs in Agronomy and Forestry Engineering. He is a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Programs in Agronomy and Forestry Engineering. He developed the legal and administrative basis and was Director of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Center (NIT) at UFSM. At the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Agribusiness of Rio Grande do Sul he was Agricultural Policy Coordinator and Technological Innovation advisor. The main scientific and technological research activities under development are in genetics and improvement and in vegetative propagation of plants.


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How to Cite

Avinio, R. S., Malheiros, A. C., Gazzana, D., Lencina, K. H., Tonetto, T. da S., & Bisognin, D. A. (2023). Selection of Cordia trichotoma Vell. clones for adventitious rooting and determination of the plantlet quality produced by mini-cuttings. Ciência E Natura, 45, e21.




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