Produtividade e Qualidade de Tubérculo de Clones de Batata


  • Dilson Antônio Bisognin Antônio Bisognin UFSM
  • Liege Camargo da Costa UFSM
  • Jerônimo Luiz Andriolo UFSM
  • Douglas Renato Muller Muller UFSM
  • Maurício Guerra Bandinelli UFSM



Potato crop in Brazil depends upon European cultivars, which arenot well adapted to the growing conditions and require high amount ofagrochemicals. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield and tuberquality of potato clones to identify clones with processing potential as newcultivars and progenitors in the breeding program. The experiment wascarried out at experimental field of the Department of Fitotecnia, FederalUniversity of Santa Maria, during three growing seasons. The evaluatedclones were SMIC148-A, SMID040-4RY, SMIH095-4, SMIJ319-1,SMIJ461-1, SMIJ456-4Y, SMINIA793101-3 and the check cultivar Asterix.The experimental design was random blocks with four replications. Theclone SMINIA793101-3 had the highest tuber yield and tubers per hill,but specific gravity and chip color were unacceptable for processing. Theclones SMIC148-A, SMIJ456-4Y and SMIJ461-1 had yield similar to thecultivar Asterix; however they had higher tuber quality than the cultivarAsterix and the clone SMINIA793101-3. Any evaluated clone shared highyield and processing quality.


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How to Cite

Bisognin, D. A. B. A., da Costa, L. C., Andriolo, J. L., Muller, D. R. M., & Bandinelli, M. G. (2008). Produtividade e Qualidade de Tubérculo de Clones de Batata. Ciência E Natura, 30(1), 43–56.

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