Análise de Contingência pelo Método de Turnbull: Estudo de Caso em Projeto Ambiental e Paisagístico


  • Luis Felipe Dias Lopes UFSM
  • Andreia Zanella UFSM
  • Enio Junior Seidel UFSM
  • Luciana Cera Pauletto UFSM



The empiric distribution of Turnbull is a distribution that assumesfunction usefulness or a specific distribution for the Disposition toPay (DP). It was used by Carson et al. (1994) and adopted by Haab &McConnell (1995). Carson used Turnbull in the context of the verificationof damages and it emphasized the natural conservation of the Dispositionto pay (DP), he made a minimization of the supposition of DP in functionof an estimate of DP as a form of the smallest value, through the average ofthe benefit of the estimate of the smallest value of DP. To determine theviability of the environmental project of landscape of the neighborhoodHumaitá/Navegantes of Porto Alegre - RS, the methodology of theUncertain Evaluation was used (Contigent Valuation) for the Method ofTurnbull. This methodology will be to evaluate the environmentalpreservation, recovery of squares, parks and leisure areas; treatment ofsanitary sewers; canalization of courses of water, etc, as well as to determinethrough the analysis of the subjects elaborated for the field research,the Disposition to Pay (DP) of the population beneficiary for the offeredservice. In the questionnaires questions related to the environment and thesituation of landscape were made available, with the respective strips ofprices. In function of the answers viability of the population, was arrivedpotentially to a dear value for DP for the execution of the environmentalprojects of landscape of R$ 9.18 for family. For the execution of theenvironmental project DP was dear in R$ 6.62 for family and for the projectof landscape it was considered DP in R$ 8.12 for family. Those values willbe I paid a month for 20 years. Comparing the found values was observedthat the residents give more importance for the preservation and recoveryof squares, parks and leisure areas (of landscape) than of the treatment ofsanitary sewers and canalization of courses of water (it adapts).




How to Cite

Dias Lopes, L. F., Zanella, A., Seidel, E. J., & Pauletto, L. C. (2008). Análise de Contingência pelo Método de Turnbull: Estudo de Caso em Projeto Ambiental e Paisagístico. Ciência E Natura, 30(2), 07–19.

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