Distribuição de Tamanho do Material Particulado na Atmosfera de São Paulo no Final do Inverno de 2008


  • Caroline R. Mazzolli
  • Beatriz S. Oyama
  • Maria de Fátima Andrade
  • Vanessa S. B. Carvalho




During an intensive campaign occurred in São Paulo in August2008, mass and composition size distribution of particulate matter datawith different sizes were collected in order to evaluate the behavior ofthis pollutant in during a winter time. During this season occur someparticulate matter and some other pollutants Air Quality NationalStandards violation due to favorable meteological conditions. The resultsshowed that most mass particles were found in the smaller fractions ofthe particulate with higher concentrations of sulfur, sodium, silicon andpotassium. The relevance of this data is related to the potential hazardousimpact of the smaller particles to human health.


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How to Cite

Mazzolli, C. R., Oyama, B. S., Andrade, M. de F., & Carvalho, V. S. B. (2009). Distribuição de Tamanho do Material Particulado na Atmosfera de São Paulo no Final do Inverno de 2008. Ciência E Natura, 205–208. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X9553

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