Modeling the effect of memory on the propagation of fake news between two populations that share information




Fake news, Mathematical modeling, Fractional derivatives, Memory, Interacting populations


The dissemination of information can have a huge impact on public opinion, especially if it is false (fake news). In this work, we propose and analyze a reinterpretation of the SIR model that takes into account the effect of memory on the dynamics of fake news diffusion, resulting from use of fractional derivatives, between two distinct population groups. From a theoretical point of view, we will show that the proposed model is well-posed. Furthermore, we will present simulated scenarios showing that the presence of memory reduces the proportion and propagation time of fake news in both populations that interact. Furthermore, we show numerically that the inverse of the rigidity radius cannot be used as a measure of the rate at which fake news disappears.


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Author Biographies

Adriano De Cezaro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

PhD in Mathematics from the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2010)

Fabiana Travessini De Cezaro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

PhD in Mathemtics and currently Associated Prof. at Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physicas at Federal University of Rio Grande. 

Luverci do Nascimento Ferreira, Federal University of Rio Grande

Master in Mathematics from University of Brasilia. Prof. of Mathematics at Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Federal Univerisity of Rio Grande.


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How to Cite

De Cezaro, A., De Cezaro, F. T., & Ferreira, L. do N. (2024). Modeling the effect of memory on the propagation of fake news between two populations that share information. Ciência E Natura, 47(esp. 1), e89849 .



IV Jornada de Matematica e Matematica aplicada UFSM

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