Inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the modal system on the port cargo route of Santa Catarina
Greenhouse gases, Transport modals, Port routesAbstract
Climate change has intensified in recent decades due to the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) arising mainly from human activities. The transport sector is one of those responsible for the increase in these concentrations, due to the incomplete burning of fossil fuels in the use of different modals, such as road and railway. However, these modals are very important for the Brazilian production flow, product imports, as well as other human needs and development. Considering these facts, the present study inventoried the greenhouse gas emissions of the modal system on the port cargo route of Santa Catarina. With this purpose, movement data of Santa Catarina´s ports, road and railway modals data were used, referring to 2020 year. The data were analyzed using the Brazilian greenhouse gas protocol tool - GHG Protocol (Scope 1), 2022 version. In addition to the base data, five other scenarios were analyzed, considering different increments that encourage the railway use expansion as a strategy to reduce emissions. As a result, a reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions was observed when using the rail modal compared to the road modal, since, when comparing scenario 5 (50% rail + 50% road) with the current scenario (12.1% rail + 87.9% road), there is a 43% reduction in emissions from the road sector. Such findings make clear the importance of encouraging strategic planning and investments to promote intermodality and optimize logistical efficiency in Santa Catarina through the transport matrix diversification as a way of promoting sustainability.
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