Hygroelectricity through the use of waste supported iron particles
Hygrogenerator, Hygroelectricity, Electrical energy, Iron particlesAbstract
In recent years, due to the increase in the consumption of electric energy worldwide, the generation of sustainable energy has become the focus of several scientific investigations. In this scenario, this project will propose a new technology for energy generation, based on the use of residue of Agate Stone Powder. It is worth noting that, currently, there is still no regulation for the disposal of these materials, occurring most of the time inadequately. Besides this, an iron-based particle will also be used, in order to build a cement artifact that works as an energy generator. It is expected that, at the end of the project, the developed prototype will be able to generate electrical energy in a satisfactory manner. The built prototype will have to be tested in a state of super humidity, that is, totally submerged in water, in order to evaluate its quality and efficiency. The final material confectioned, because it is a material capable of generating energy through humidity, receives the name of hygrogenerator and awakens great future possibilities for the development of new technologies, besides contributing to the sustainability of the environment.
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