Statistical theory of turbulence applied to the BAM-INPE global model




Atmospheric turbulence, Parameterization from the Taylor's theory, BAM model


Statistical theory of turbulence from the G. I. Taylor's is employed as a reference to parameterize the turbulence in the global atmospheric circulation model BAM (Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model). The BAM model is operationally used to generate numerical weather forecast data by INPE. Simulation for the BAM model with parameterization based on Taylor's theory are compared against the results obtained with the Holtslag-Boville (1993) parameterization. A good performance by using a new parameterization is obtained from the results.


Author Biographies

Eduardo Rohde Eras, National Institute for Space Research

PhD Student in Applied Computing at the National Institute for Space Research, Master in Applied Computing

Paulo Yoshio Kubota, National Institute for Space Research

Lecturer in meteorology at the National Institute for Space Research, PhD in Meteorology.

Haroldo Fraga de Campos Velho, National Institute for Space Research

Senior Researcher at the National Institute for Space Research, PhD in Mechanical Engineering.


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How to Cite

Eras, E. R., Kubota, P. Y., & Velho, H. F. de C. (2023). Statistical theory of turbulence applied to the BAM-INPE global model. Ciência E Natura, 45(esp. 2), e78815.

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