Literature review on control charts for autocorrelated processes
Statistical process control, Autocorrelated data, Quality managementAbstract
This research aims to present a literature review (LR) on control charts for autocorrelated processes, intending to contribute to the scientific knowledge of the process management area. The article was constructed having a research question defined ex-ante, elaborated based on the literature, where a research protocol adapted from Tranfield, Denyer, and Smart (2003) was systematized according to the methodological rigor demanded in the literature review, which resulted in the composition of the research corpus. The research corpus was evaluated in detail using the bibliometric packages HistCite, VOSviewer, package R and Iramuteq. It was evaluated the validity of the 3 bibliometric laws were verified: Lotka's Law, Bradford's Law, and Zipf's Law based on the authors’ citation and co-citation techniques. This study is considered as relevant and original since it is the first literature review on control charts for autocorrelated processes. The results confirmed the 3 classical bibliometric laws for the researched corpus. As a practical implication, this review provides support for quality management scholars to unlock potential research gaps. The main limitation of the work refers to the composition of the textual corpus, given that databases of national journals were not consulted due to the difficulty in terms of compatibility of the software used in this research.
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