Progeny selection of "Myrocarpus frondosus" for improved growth vigor of seedlings
Early selection, Genetic gain, Seedling qualityAbstract
In this study, we aimed to evaluate half-sibling progenies of Myrocarpus frondosus based on morphological characteristics and to select seedlings with high growth vigor and quality. Seedlings were evaluated for shoot height and diameter, shoot height/diameter ratio, and number of leaves. The shoot height showed the highest estimations of linear correlation with the other characteristics. The linear correlation of shoot height between two consecutive evaluations was high from 60 days of cultivation, indicating that selection should be applied after this period. Selection of 101 seedlings within the best progenies resulted in a genetic gain of 15.13% for shoot height. The greatest indirect gain from selection was for the shoot height/diameter ratio, whereas the lowest indirect gain was for the stem diameter. Myrocarpus frondosus progenies can be selected for shoot height at 60 days of nursery cultivation, resulting in high direct gain for growth and indirect gain for stem height/diameter ratio.
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