A comparison of errors in the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation-rate estimations through different methods in the atmospheric boundary layer


  • Lívia Souza Freire Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Nelson Luís Dias Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • André Luiz Grion Universidade Federal do Paraná




Dissipation rate, Monte Carlo, ogive, spectrum, structure function


The dissipation rate of the turbulence kinetic energy (") in the atmosphere can be indirectly obtained from high-frequency measurements of streamwise wind velocity, when using the inertial subrange theory predicted by Kolmogorov for the spectrum, second order structure function or ogive. To estimate the error intrinsic to these estimations, a series of synthetic spectra was constructed from the theoretical spectrum combined with random rrors, which were then used to obtain structure functions and ogive. The " estimation from spectra or structure functions presented a root mean square value of approximately 2% of the expected value of ", whereas the estimation from ogives had errors of approximately 1:3%. A correction factor is needed in the estimations using the ogive and the structure function in order to remove the bias caused by the finite Nyquest frequency. Due to
the smaller error, the ogive provides the best approach for indirect estimation of " in the atmospheric boundary layer.


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How to Cite

Freire, L. S., Dias, N. L., & Grion, A. L. (2018). A comparison of errors in the turbulence kinetic energy dissipation-rate estimations through different methods in the atmospheric boundary layer. Ciência E Natura, 40, 07–13. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X30429

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