Aquous extract on corporal weight, food and liquid ingestion of immature Wistar rats
Stevia rebaudiana (Bert) Bertoni is a wild herb that grows in Brazil (South Mato Grosso) and Paraguay, being used by natives as a sweetener and as medicine. According to these properties, the authors investigated effects of the aquous extract of this plant on immature Wistar rats corporal weight and food and liquid ingestion, using three different concentrations, through oral application. Solutions were prepared by cold infusion and used in four animal groups, ten animals each. Three experimental groups received Stevia solution at 1%, 2% and 4% respectively. The fourth, control, received destilled water. The animals were males and females and were maintained in the same experimental conditions, receiving during 49 days water and food "ad libitum". The corporal weight was verified every seven days and the results showed that Stevia rebaudiana, in the given concentrations, did not modify the animals' corporal weight, nor altered normal weight variations, since they were in growth phase.
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