Effect of crude aqueous extract of Polygonum acre H.B.K. on the smooth muscle and their correlation with the chemical composition
Polygonum acre H.B.K. perennial native plant from humid and swampy places, very abundant in Brazil, is used in popular medicine as antihemorrhagic and as expectorant. The authors objective were to study the 20% crude aqueous extract of the vegetable leaves on smooth muscle using rats uterus in oestrus (stilboestrol) and to verify the correlaction of this effect with the chemical composition. For this purpose, we used rats uterus preparation in Magnus bath with De Jalon's solution aerated. Those concentration were choosen from pilot experiences and were 0,5; 1,0 and 2,0 ml (0,2 g/ml) of the crude aqueous extract of the P. acre H.B.K. and the adrenaline doses were 1,0 µg. The results showed that the contraction of the smooth muscle and the alteration of the frequence produced by the extract were not significant, this plant flavonoids, which could be responsable by the constriction effect on the smooth muscle, perhaps by one direct or indirect action. This suggests that the effect of the crude extract are possibly due to the indirect action.
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